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Believed to be Arie McChesney about to perform the cigarette portion of the Chavez routine. Her name is Arie McChesney. She performed under the stage name of A'Ree - The Queen of Hearts. “In the world of professional magic there have been few lady magicians. Of these, one of the loveliest, and certainly one of the most talented, is A'ree, the Queen of Hearts. Matchless in sleight of hand, and a brilliant entertainer, her star is rapidly ascending. In private life A'ree is Arie McChesney. She is a past president of the Parent Assembly of Magigals and is also a member of Hollywood Magigals and of the International Guild of Prestidigitators. At conventions she won the coveted Houdini Diamond and numerous other trophies and awards for performing excellence. Billed as a “femanipulator”, A'ree has been constantly busy in the West. She has toured with Hick's Sunshine Circuit, has been in demand for television shows and has appeared in many of the better clubs and nite spots. As beautiful as she is skilled, the demands for her program have been steadily increasing. A'ree was the first woman to be graduated by the Chavez College of Magic for the latter's post-graduate course. There she achieved highest honors. Now she's headed for the conventions in Cincinnati and Philadelphia. It's certain that the East will acclaim her, as has the West. In her graceful hands, magic transcends both art and science. Her work is in tune with performing conditions as they exist today. She can present her acts almost anywhere, under the most strenuous of conditions. Even her bright variety number, “Artistry in Sand”, may be thus presented. No wonder the agents are quick to book A'Ree.” -Genii magazine, May 1953 Photo: https://www.themagiccafe.com/forums/uploads/972_20200612171142.jpg