
Earlier in 1972 Leo “Doc” Coleman presented Brad Zinn (age 14) with a 16mm movie camera. This was the first time Brad filmed anything, and misunderstood the need for an “orange filter” for indoor scenes. Therefore, the film has an orange tint that turned out to be unnecessary! However, the film is viewable and is important in terms of the history of Ring 55. https://youtube.com/watch?v=o3Gz-xfWoV4

Here is the synopsis of the film:

Ring 55 of the International Brotherhood of Magicians (the “Bert Easley Ring”) held its annual banquet in October of 1972 at the German American Club to honor its namesake, Bert Easley. Bert owned the local magic and gag shop, and it was in his shop that the Ring was first formed and held its earliest meetings.

This film was shot in 16mm and is silent. Some of it is dark, and for that we offer our regrets but feel there is enough here to warrant your taking a look.

The film opens at dusk, arriving by car at the German American Club, a look at the beautiful Arizona sunset, and a pan of the outside of the building. Once inside, we pan the gathering crowd.

Next is a close-up of Bert Easley wearing a pair of gag sunglasses − with “windshield wipers”. The buffet was plentiful and dessert was, of course, pumpkin pie in honor of October and Halloween. Next we see folks passing through the buffet line, and we then see the bar. The gentleman in the foreground with a drink is Dick Kraus. Dick was a local magician but also worked at Legend City Amusement Park (Arizona's answer to Disneyland) where he repaired, and created, many of the animatronic features in the park.

The next scene is of Richard “Dick” Anderson and his wife, along with Brad Walstrom and his wife. Dick Anderson was the President of Ring 55 in 1972.

As folks enjoy their dinner, we see Danny Dew make his way through the tables on his way backstage where he will Emcee the after dinner show.

As we pan the crowd, you will see Brad Walstrom again, then at the “head table” you see Dick Wicker and his wife, seated directly across from Merrill Cox and his wife. Dick Anderson gets up from the table to go to the stage to make announcements.

After dinner, Leo “Doc” Coleman brings Bert Easley, and his wife Marianne Easley, to the stage for the “This Is Your Life” portion of the salute to Bert. Elsa (Doc Coleman's fiancée) presents Marianne with a bouquet of flowers. After the honors, Bert and Marianne greeted well wishers from the audience. Once again, Bert dons a pair of gag eyeglasses for everyone's amusement. The gentleman in the white coat is Robert “Bob” Doran, a school teacher and longtime member of Ring 55.

Now it is time for the formal show. Emcee Danny Dew brings on Lee and Millie Thompson to open with their flashy act and a funny routine with a boy from the audience.

Next up is Lee Earle with his comedy audience participation. (He brought his “Aviator cards. As you can see I keep them in the hangar.”) Lee had just returned from his tour in the Navy, stationed in Vietnam. Lee is followed by Jack Sutherland, who was the magic demonstrator at Easley's Fun Shop, as well as a local professional performer. Jack's specialty is the Blendo and the Zombie Ball.

Next, Danny Dew brought on Harry Newton with his manipulation act. Unfortunately, film ran out before any footage could be captured of the evening's headliner, Topper Martyn. Of course, Mr. Martyn was a smash hit with his magic and juggling.

And we leave on a beautiful starry night, with a view of the lights of Phoenix, filled with wonderful memories of magic and friendship. Running time 5 mins 14 seconds.