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Compiled from data by Stuart Robson

Walter Coleman was elected International Brotherhood of Magicians at the 22nd Annual Business Meeting in Hotel Sherman, Chicago, May 29, 1950. It was also the first combined Convention of the I.B.M. and S.A.M. He has been a member since 1937, serving arduously and successfully in the creation and is a Past President of New York City Ring No. 26. In recognition of his loyal work, he was elected Second Vice President of the International I.B.M. Board of Trustees in 1946. He was advanced to the position of First Vice President in 1947 and discharged every duty assigned to him, efficiently, quietly, and without ostentation. As a member and past officer of the Parent Assembly No. 1, S.A.M. he has added friendships that are valuable, especially now when the Second Combined I.B.M. - S.A.M. Convention is to be held in New York City in 1951. His initial message to the members indicates his sincere desire to keep them informed of what is going on.

Grandfather George Dixon Hendricks, a well known semi-professional magician, aroused the magic interest in Walter Coleman when eight years old. According to Stuart Robson in the August 1944 issue of “The Linking Ring”, the art of legerdemain has remained the first interest with President Coleman, known to a few intimates as “Skipper”. Other interests include music, art, literature, mathematics and language. He is a teacher of magic and mentalism to private students, some of whom have become professionals and teachers.

Becoming semi-professional in 1933, he plays mostly private parties, church and club engagements, specializing in cards, silks, and mentalism, although he does general magic.

At one time Walter Coleman was associated with the Conjuror's Shop in New York City. Various special courses at New York Exchange Institute following New York University, were a preliminary schooling for his specialized type of vocation. He has been a most capable executive in the New York Stock Exchange for many years.

Christmas parties in the Coleman home in Flushing, Long Island, are traditionally famous for their hospitality. His family are equally important in magic, his wife and one daughter being members of the New York Magigals. Recently his wife Kathryn, and daughters Barbara Lou and Emily Jane participated in a special show for Ring 26. All assist Walter when required for shows and special occasions.

Walter's innate modesty is a by-word among his friends. He insists he has all the minor vices in moderation but despite this, he is a man among men His reputation for sincerity and honesty with all he comes in contact with is a great virtue.

Tracing his family tree back to the 10th Century on one side and to the 9th Century on the other, Walter Coleman resembles the Earl of Warwick to whom he is related. Warwick Castle, a famous show place in England, is the ancestral home of the Brooke family—the family name of the Earls of Warwick. A grand uncle, was Thomas A. Hendricks, was Vice President of the United States under President Garfield. A distinguished list of physicians, lawyers, teachers and clergymen on both his father's and mother's side has endowed Walter with a gracious personality which enables him to meet any situation with tact and understanding.