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Robb Fullmer, Magician, Owner; Amazing Magic Shop

I performed as Professor Robb from 1993 until 2006. Was mainly doing kid shows and a few adult functions. Did this part-time while I was working at Easley's all those years, then went full-time after I left there.

Besides birthday parties and such, I worked a lot on educational programs − shows using magic to help teach kids lessons about improving self-esteem, safety and such.

When I left Easley's, I started doing school assembly programs, and was one of the first (I think) to do a Harry Potter themed show that encouraged Kids to read books.

Purchased the Amazing Magic Shoppe in 2003, which turned out to be a very bad investment. It looked like the store was making some sort of profit when I bought it, but I realized within a few weeks of taking it over that the store was doomed and headed for disaster. This is while it was located at the Metro Center Mall.

Trouble was, I had started a year-long medical treatment at the same time, and the treatment (for Hep C) was horrific. I was fatigued and had no energy, couldn't concentrate, and I ached all the time! So, at a time when I needed all of my mental facilities to try and salvage the magic store, I had few facilities at all!

I finally moved the store to the Northern location which helped, but even then, I thought that it was probably too late. I was too far in debt by that time and the internet was badly affecting my sales (as for so many other brick and mortar magic shops).

I eventually bailed out and declared bankruptcy in mid-2006 and went to work for Home Depot!!

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